Exceptional People Who Inspire Us

Everyday Exceptionalist 16: Oliver Yonchev - STPL

Everyday Exceptionalist 16: Oliver Yonchev

Oliver spends much of his time helping others to succeed. He was the managing director of Social Chain for five years and then founded Flight Story alongside Steven Bartlett.

Everyday Exceptionalist 16: Oliver Yonchev

Oliver spends much of his time helping others to succeed. He was the managing director of Social Chain for five years and then founded Flight Story alongside Steven Bartlett.

Everyday exceptionalist 15: Ben Ankobiah - STPL

Everyday exceptionalist 15: Ben Ankobiah

Ben is a creative adventurer based in London. His love of mountaineering and dedication to confronting his fears have led him down many amazing paths.

Everyday exceptionalist 15: Ben Ankobiah

Ben is a creative adventurer based in London. His love of mountaineering and dedication to confronting his fears have led him down many amazing paths.

Everyday exceptionalist 14: Jeremy Nicollin - STPL

Everyday exceptionalist 14: Jeremy Nicollin

Jeremy is a javelin specialist. He won the title of the javelin throw at the 2014 French championship in Reims, by bringing his personal record to 74.41m. 

Everyday exceptionalist 14: Jeremy Nicollin

Jeremy is a javelin specialist. He won the title of the javelin throw at the 2014 French championship in Reims, by bringing his personal record to 74.41m. 

Everyday Exceptionalist 13: Ali Düzenli - STPL

Everyday Exceptionalist 13: Ali Düzenli

Ali is an artist who makes every day exceptional by using his skills to create unique and distinctive artwork which transforms every wall and place his artwork is seen. 

Everyday Exceptionalist 13: Ali Düzenli

Ali is an artist who makes every day exceptional by using his skills to create unique and distinctive artwork which transforms every wall and place his artwork is seen. 

Everyday Exceptionalist 012: Chris Meade - STPL

Everyday Exceptionalist 012: Chris Meade

Chris is the co-founder of CROSSNET an incredible new game which he designed together with his friends. He is a testament to where a great idea and hard work can take you.

Everyday Exceptionalist 012: Chris Meade

Chris is the co-founder of CROSSNET an incredible new game which he designed together with his friends. He is a testament to where a great idea and hard work can take you.

Everyday Exceptionalist 012: Roo - STPL

Everyday Exceptionalist 012: Roo

After seeing Roo's incredible artwork there was only one thing for it, she had to become one of our exceptionalists. 

Everyday Exceptionalist 012: Roo

After seeing Roo's incredible artwork there was only one thing for it, she had to become one of our exceptionalists. 

We are always looking for exceptionalists so please get in touch if you would like to nominate someone for us to interview.